We also offer gift certificates in whatever amount you choose!

Leading Choice Home Helpers accepts private pay and long term care insurance. Our senior home health care rates are affordable, allowing you to preserve assets and potentially prevent placement in a long term care facility for your loved one.

Some of the benefits of in-home senior care
  • Dignity – Staying at home often provides our clients with a certain sense of dignity that would be lost if they were to move to a nursing home.
  • Family – For family members, having Mom or Dad or Grandma or Grandpa remain in the family home can be very comforting.
  • Continuity – Being able to stay in their own home provides our clients with a sense of continuity, which can be a source of comfort. Having to adapt to a new living environment can be overwhelming.
  • Tranquility – As people age, they generally value peace and quiet over other comforts. Hearing noises from neighbors in a nursing home, or beeps and dings from medical equipment can be bothersome. At home, our clients enjoy the environment that they created and have enjoyed for years.
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Want to know more about in-home senior care?

Caring for a loved one from the comfort of their own home may be more affordable than you think. Find out how Leading Choice Home Helpers can help you take some of the weight of caring for your elderly parent(s) off your shoulders.

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